Where to Find a Leader in the Gay Surrogacy Process
October 10, 2019 • admin • Gay Surrogacy Process

In today’s modern society, sexual orientation bias has no place in the practice of surrogacy. By helping facilitate cutting-edge fertility treatment support services to the LGBTQ community, we have maintained our mission of reducing the physical, emotional, and financial toll of every LGBTQ client during their quest to have a baby.
Gay Surrogacy Process Mission Statement
Every person has the right to have a family of their own.- No sexual orientation judgments
- No gender or transgender bias
- No personal or religious judgments
- No judgments toward interracial couples
- No judgments about marital status
Fertility Treatment Options for Female Couples
- IUI – Intrauterine Insemination (artificial insemination) using donor sperm
- IVF – In Vitro Fertilization using eggs from one partner and donor sperm
Fertility Treatment Options for Male Couples
Gestational Surrogacy – selecting and using donor eggs fertilized in vitro with the sperm from one of the partners Gestational surrogacy can be used to achieve a pregnancy through IVF using:- Donor Eggs
- Intended father’s sperm
Donor Eggs and Sperm
Regardless of the gender combination of LGBTQ couples – or singles wanting to be a solo parent – the process of selecting donor eggs or donor sperm has been substantially streamlined for our patients’ ease. We can help you find world class – yet affordable – support packages for the selection of donor eggs and donor sperm. These support packages are extremely successful because the most cutting-edge cryopreservation and IVF technologies are used.Cutting-Edge IVF Protocols
State-of-the-Art Fertility Treatment
You can realize your dream of building a family through state-of-the-art reproductive technologies.IUI Procedure
The most common fertility treatment for lesbian couples is IUI. Timed with induced ovulation, the patient is artificially inseminated with a highly concentrated amount of motile donor sperm. The IUI procedure is performed in the doctor’s office and requires no anesthesia.- The patient’s monthly cycle is regulated using oral medication
- An oral fertility medication – typically Clomid or Femara – is then self-administered by the patient to stimulate multiple egg follicle production
- The growth of egg follicles are monitored through regular vaginal ultrasound imaging and blood tests
- Once the egg follicles have reached a mature stage, ovulation is induced using an injectable trigger medication – hCG – human chorionic gonadotropin
- The ovulation of multiple eggs, timed with sperm insemination, increases the patient’s chances of pregnancy
- A highly concentrated amount of motile donor sperm is inserted into the cervix using a very thin catheter – similar to a pap smear procedure
- The patient is instructed to self-administer progesterone to thicken her uterine lining in preparation for embryo implantation between the IUI procedure and the pregnancy test
- A pregnancy test is scheduled
IVF Procedure
One partner’s eggs are harvested for in vitro fertilization using donor sperm. The other partner carries the pregnancy.- The partners’ cycles are regulated to coincide with one another
- The partner producing the eggs self-administers fertility medications to stimulate multiple egg production
- The growth and development of egg follicles are regularly monitored with pelvic ultrasounds and blood level hormone measurements
- Once the egg follicles have matured, the patient self-administers an ovulation inducing medication – hCG
- The eggs are surgically retrieved using a transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration tool
- The eggs are fertilized in vitro with donor sperm using The ovulation of multiple eggs, timed with insemination, increases the patient’s chances of pregnancy ICSI – a single sperm is injected directly into one egg
- All resulting embryos will culture in a controlled laboratory setting until they reach an optimum stage of development – up to 5 days
- A high quality embryo is transferred to the carrier partner’s uterus via an insemination catheter – similar to a Pap smear procedure
- The carrier partner is instructed to self-administer progesterone to thicken her uterine lining in preparation for embryo implantation between transfer and the pregnancy test
- A pregnancy test is scheduled
Gestational Surrogacy Using Donor Eggs
Gestational Surrogacy – Using donor eggs to be fertilized with the sperm from one of the partners. The resulting embryo is transferred to a surrogate who will carry the baby. Egg Donor Recipient Program – Acquiring donor eggs to accomplish gestational surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy may be used to achieve a pregnancy and birth using a surrogate mother.- Donor eggs
- Intended father’s sperm
- Once the perfect surrogate match has been located, the surrogate’s cycle is regulated in preparation for embryo transfer timing
- In sync with the surrogate’s cycle, the donor eggs are thawed and fertilized with the intended father’s sperm using ICSI
- ICSI is a procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into the donor’s eggs in a controlled laboratory environment
- Once fertilization is achieved, the resulting embryos are monitored regularly for growth and development quality – up to 5 days
- A quality embryo is transferred to the surrogate’s uterus
- Excess quality embryos can be cryopreserved for future Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET) procedures