FAQs for Intended Parents
The staff at New Beginnings Surrogacy Services works closely with our intended parents to ensure your comfort and ease. We do this is by being available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions!
Below are some answers to questions we often receive, so you may read them over and contact us with any further questions you may have.
How much does surrogacy cost?
The cost of surrogacy differs based on the IVF protocol recommend by your fertility doctor. Your cost of surrogacy will range between $90,000 and $175,000. To avoid any surprises or hidden fees, CLICK HERE for a cost overview.
We are a leading gestational surrogacy agency having unparalleled success in cost-effectively matching parents-to-be with an ideal gestational surrogate.
We are fortunate to have intended parents come to us from around the world because they know we are a specialty agency offering affordable surrogacy with client-friendly accessibility.
Where do I find surrogacy insurance financing?
We recommend that our clients apply for surrogacy insurance through New Life Agency. New Life Agency provides loans through an online application process is virtually paperless. Many of our clients prefer this financing tool and find they offer peace of mind by having up-front, out-of-pocket costs covered.
How much do surrogates make?
New Beginnings is a top-rated surrogacy agency, we can offer the highest compensation packages to our surrogates. Candidates who meet our requirements can earn compensation between $35,000 and $40,000. If you’d like to learn more about your rights, responsibilities, and pay as a surrogate mother, you can contact one of our expert surrogate matching coordinators.
- Second or third time experiences surrogates receive $8,000 in addition to their base compensation
- A surrogate who agrees to have more than one embryo transferred and is impregnated with twins will receive an additional $5,000 to their base compensation.
We are also excited to offer an incentive to former and current surrogate mothers for recruiting new and approved surrogates! Anyone who successfully recruits a surrogate through our Surrogate Referral Program is eligible to receive $500 for each accepted candidate referral. Once the referred surrogate has signed a contract with the intended parents, the referring surrogate is eligible to receive $250. The remaining $250 is remitted after a successful embryo transfer.
Our Surrogate Referral Program has proven to maintain New Beginnings Surrogacy’s high quality surrogate candidate reputation.
How to become a surrogate
Candidates take our simple Prescreening Quiz to begin the application process.
To begin the application process, the candidate must:
- Reside in a surrogate-friendly state
- Meet some basic requirements
Basic surrogate mother requirements:
- Be committed to our surrogacy program and the intended parents
- Be in good health with a BI no higher than 30
- Have delivered one healthy baby
- Have had an uncomplicated pregnancy
- Not use tobacco, drink alcohol, or illegal drugs
- Clear a criminal background check
- Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident
- Be between 21 and 39 years old
Find more of the requirements on our Surrogate Requirements page HERE.
How long does the surrogacy process take?
There are many factors that will determine the length of your surrogacy process but here we provide an estimated timeframe.- Matching Process – 3 to 5 months – depending upon your criteria
- Successful Matching – 10 to 15 days after a surrogate has preliminary medical screening
- Medical and psychological evaluations and legal contracts – less than 1 month
- Embryo transfer cycle – 2 months after contacts are finalized
- Pregnancy and birthday – 38-40 weeks after conception for a single baby
Where does the birth of the baby take place?
Your surrogate will deliver the baby in the state of her residence. If you’d like to find out if surrogacy is legal in your state, check out our Surrogacy Laws Map. Keep in mind, the state in which your potential surrogate resides must also be surrogate-friendly.If a contract for surrogacy is not legal in the state of residence of either party, it will not be enforced by a court should a dispute arise between the parties.
Do you refuse to serve intended parents based on their personal lifestyle?
Never. We work with all clients who wish to be parents regardless of their race, religion, personal background, or lifestyle that has previously been deemed unconventional by society. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Straight, married couple and singles
- LGBTQ couples and singles
We claim no biases and we are happy to help all parents-to-be achieve their dream of having a family.
What are the differences between Gestational and Traditional Surrogacy?
Gestational Surrogacy is the most common and is where a couple (the Intended Parents) use their own eggs and sperm to create embryos through In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Donor eggs or sperm may also be used. One or more of the embryos is then transferred into the Gestational Surrogate (also referred to as the Gestational Carrier) who then carries the child or children to full term. The surrogate will have no genetic relationship to the baby. This is the surrogacy that New Beginnings provides.
Traditional Surrogacy performed through artificial insemination, utilizing the surrogate’s own eggs, thus giving the surrogate a genetic connection to the child or children they are carrying for the Intended Parents.
New Beginnings does not perform Traditional Surrogacy.
How do we get started with the surrogacy process?
To start the surrogacy process, please contact us at contact@nbsurrogacy.com. We will provide you with information about our surrogacy program and how we can start the process.