How New Life Agency Specializes in Surrogacy

An insurance policy, naming the surrogate as the insured, must be purchased. The surrogate will be reimbursed for this expense by the intended parents. The primary beneficiary or beneficiaries of the insurance policy will be named by the surrogate.
How to Find a Perfect Gestational Carrier

Only a leading agency can help you find a perfect Gestational Carrier. At New Beginnings Surrogacy, we offer a warm, inviting and enjoyable experience during every step of your journey as an Intended Parent.
What are the Best States for Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is an exciting and successful pathway to modern family building.
The Pros and Cons of Being a Surrogate
Many women are unable to carry a baby to full term, even though they can produce viable eggs. When a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy to full term, a fully-vetted surrogate mother can help.
What You Should Know About Sex During IVF Treatment

From the point a perfect surrogate match is made – to the birth of a healthy baby – you will have many questions during the surrogacy proc
In the New Year I Want to Find Leading Surrogacy Places Near Me

Leading surrogacy places are those agencies having a proven record of providing quality and cost-efficient services to clients nationally.